Properties atKoulourata, Kefalonia

Properties in Koulourata, a village well known for a number of hiking lovers. Check our list of available for sale properties in Koulourata, on the island of Kefalonia, in Greece.

Koulourata property list

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ID: 2932
Price: 0 €
Area: 0 sqm
ID: 2365
Price: 25,000 €
Area: 877 sqm
ID: 2078
Price: 295,000 €
Area: 0 sqm
ID: 2077
Price: 192,000 €
Area: 0 sqm
ID: 2076
Price: 182,000 €
Area: 0 sqm

More about Koulourata

Koulourata is a village, that belongs to the municipality of Sami, in the northern part of the island. The village is about 25 km east of Argostoli, the capital city of Kefalonia.

Koulourata is a well known village for a number of hiking lovers. The route Koulourata – Antisamos is one of the preferred hiking routes that ends at the lovely beach of Antisamos and is often organized by the relevant  hiking associations of the island.

Enos Properties

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Land size (sqm)