Properties atDilinata, Kefalonia

Dilinata village is 6 km away from Argostoli and is one of the big villages with a population of 436 inhabitants. It borders with Faraklata and Davgata villages. The village is built on the mountain side and the location offers visitors a great view of the Ionian Sea.

Dilinata property list

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ID: 3173
Price: 520,000 €
Area: 1,587 sqm
ID: 3091
Price: 40,000 €
Area: 605 sqm
ID: 2932
Price: 0 €
Area: 0 sqm
ID: 2762
Price: 70,000 €
Area: 8,623 sqm
ID: 2723
Price: 55,000 €
Area: 2,094 sqm
ID: 2357
Price: 35,000 €
Area: 460 sqm
ID: 2078
Price: 295,000 €
Area: 0 sqm
ID: 2077
Price: 192,000 €
Area: 0 sqm
ID: 2076
Price: 182,000 €
Area: 0 sqm

More about Dilinata

In the village there is the church of Panagia of Lamia where, during the relevant celebration, a big festival is taking place. The name of the village came from the renowned Kefalonian family Adilini.

Going from Argostoli to Dilinata the visitor has the opportunity to admire the Koutavos lagoon and the Devosetou stone bridge which was built by Philip De Bosset in 1813 and which was recently renovated.

Enos Properties

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